Like I’ve mentioned earlier, if you’re a dinosaur lover, Utah is definitely the place to be.  There is a cluster of great museums right around Salt Lake City, along with the famous “Wall of Bones” in nearby Jensen.  One of the great “neighborhood” museums in this area is the Utah State University Prehistoric Museum, a quiet little space with some nice exhibits of dinosaurs and prehistoric man.  (Not together of course!)  The museum is split into two levels that allow you to get multiple perspectives of the dinosaur skeletons, which are primarily displayed in a large oval on the first floor.  One interesting thing that I’m noticing after visiting a lot of these museums is the way they influence each other.  The back wall of the first floor here features a rendition of the “Age of Reptiles” mural from the Yale Peabody Museum in Connecticut.  I saw the 110 foot-long original painting there when I first began this quest several years ago and thought it was really inspiring.  It seems like a lot of folks on the other side of the country feel the same way.